How to grow and manage the growth of your business?

growth of your business

For any entrepreneur, growth is synonymous with success. However, it comes to shake up the organization of a society. Let’s look together at how to take care of its long-term growth!

At the time of creating his company, to start the engine, it is essential for the manager to set himself growth objectives both in terms of profitability and the development of his offer as well as his positioning in a market. Indeed, when they are clearly expressed, these growth objectives make it possible to draw up commercial strategies to be put in place and to recruit suitable profiles for one’s company.

Once the first goals have been achieved, the entrepreneur must deal with the upheavals brought about by growth. It is a key moment in the life cycle of a company which must adapt to the increase in demand by integrating new recruits.

 Business growth: what are the best strategies to adopt?

In a troubled economic context, giving yourself the means to grow your business is more important than ever for any business leader. In addition, the data is optimistic: according to the BPI, in 2022, VSEs-SMEs anticipate a 7% growth in their turnover in France (much better than the 3% estimated last May). As an entrepreneur whose business is already starting to grow and scale, it’s up to you to utilize the resources, growth strategies, and digital tools at your disposal.

Internal and external growth: how to differentiate them?

Before getting to the heart of the matter with concrete techniques on growth strategies, it is important to understand what is behind the word growth. Within the framework of a company, it is divided into two parts:

  1. The internal (or organic) growth of the company

The internal growth of a company consists in betting on its own resources, funds, capacities and skills. It is for example possible for the leader to develop his organic growth by hiring staff, creating a new service, or buying hardware and software. It is on this type of internal or organic growth that it is possible to capitalize initially as an individual entrepreneur or at the head of a small or medium-sized business.

  1. The external growth (or build up) of the company

The external growth of a company corresponds to the external resources that it can acquire, by modifying its legal form for example, or by associating with other companies. through a merger, acquisition, contribution of assets or otherwise. This can allow the leader to integrate a market or even, in the long term, to open up internationally.

Growth in society: which methods to apply?

The leader of a company can opt for different growth strategies. Focus on 6 methods to implement:

  1. Opt for the appropriate legal form

The legal form chosen for your activity governs your responsibilities in terms of tax declarations, accounting and social rights. Thus, it is sometimes necessary for the leader to change his legal form to be able to delegate, recruit, or even join forces by bringing in new capital and thus achieve his growth objectives. Just as certain legal forms can facilitate the granting of bank credit or the raising of funds.

If you are the manager of a SASU or EURL, and you want to join forces to grow your company’s activity, then you can evolve into a multi-person company such as a SARL or SAS.

If you are a micro-entrepreneur , and wish to take out a loan for your activity without necessarily associating yourself, then you can opt for the SASU and the EURL which are more reassuring for the banks because their tax and accounting obligations are more rigorous.

  1. Streamline the customer relationship

Logically, the growth of a company is correlated with the sales of goods or services. And for sales to increase, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to target and retain customers. To do this, you must prospect and analyze customer data.

It is of course recommended to use a CRM software (Customer relationship management) which makes it possible to follow the customer relationship thanks to the following functionalities:

The centralization of customer data, which makes it possible to generate quotes/invoices automatically;

The relaunch of leads and prospects;

The sending of personalized e-mails according to the situation: relaunch of a contact who abandons a basket or sending of promotion to another who subscribes to your newsletter.

CRM Magazine recently discovered that 91% of companies with 10 or more employees currently use a CRM tool to develop their external growth. It allows you to remain competitive in the current landscape and, by improving your productivity, it boosts growth in parallel.



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